Please help us by contacting your local MP to support urgent government intervention for road hauliers.
Simply click the link and using the dedicated RHA website you can send a prewritten letter to your local MP urging them to support our work.
This week the Road Haulage Association (RHA) reached out to transport businesses from across the UK to help build a clearer picture of why the existing financial support measures for our industry are not enough.
A recent survey, facilitated by the Road Haulage Association (RHA), was completed by over 6,000 transport businesses. The results indicate that 50% of the UK’s HGV fleet are currently parked up. Every one of these vehicles has significant standing costs.
Many road hauliers face ruin unless something is done quickly and the RHA have been working with Ministers and officials from across government to address this critical issue.
The Chancellor is considering a range of options for our sector but if we are to get the support we need, we must maintain pressure on government and in particular on the Chancellor.
With just a few clicks you can directly influence this process and we urge everyone to spare just a few moments.