Before making the daunting decision to change careers it is always a good to hear from the people who have made this switch already and hear it from their perspective. With this in mind, we sat down with our newest recruit, Peter Macadam, who switched a career as a Telecom Engineer for a life behind the wheel! Here is his story:
What were you doing before you decided to become a driver?
I was a Telecom Engineer for 18 years
Why did you become a driver?
My family owned a haulage company, and my brother is a driver, so I guess its in my blood. I suppose I came late to Transport!
How did you find the transition from an Engineer to a Driver?
It’s obviously a different sector but I have always enjoyed a challenge and I consider myself a worker and have never been shy of trying something new . So far I am really enjoying it.
What was the training/Induction like you received from Trucklink EU?
I was surprised by the level of detail. I spend time in the classroom, time with a driver trainer and then time with an experienced driver. In all it lasted a week. And regular check ups from the trainer and fleet manager since then.
What do you like about the job?
Every day is different, I get to see various parts of the country and I like to be part of a team.
How do the general public treat you?
On the whole well, but you have to be really alert as most car drivers just don’t seem to understand how much more room a truck needs to manoeuvre and stop.
What are your plans going forward?
At the moment I am a class 2 driver but want to become a class 1 driver when I have gained some experience after that who know as there are so many opportunities in transport from driving to being office based.
Any tips for others thinking about changing careers & becoming a driver?
Do your research. Into training providers and local companies you would like to work for. Its not just driving, there are lots of rules and regulations you have to learn, paperwork, load security and also presentation of both the truck and yourself. I consider myself as a representative of Trucklink when I am on the road.
The logistics sector is the fifth largest in the UK and employs more than 2.5 million people including logistics coordinators, data analysts, IT specialists, designers, warehouse staff, administrators, accountants, managers, technicians, planners, drivers and more.
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